With every spare disposable cent I had this week spent on moving costs, bills, Z's and A's various activities and other miscellanea, and with payday almost 24 hours away I raided my silver coin container, found some gold coins at the bottom of the stroller pocket, and taped up a ripped $5 note I had been saving to take to exchange at the bank one day and headed to the TAB.
I carefully counted out my loot and placed it in front of the disinterested elderly TAB attendant in exchange for a bigger note.
"How much is there?" she asked, rolling her eyes at the 10 neat piles of 20 cent pieces.
"Twenty bucks."
"Here," she said, not even counting.
Our mission: to go to Birdie Num Nums where I could sit and read the newspapers with a soy latte and Z could play in the sandpit.
The inner North is a criss-cross of laneways and wide streets so we always take the short cut of the laneways and hope to see something interesting. A cat prowling along a fence, some graffiti, some young hipster fauxhemians in Doc Martens.
I showed her the lillipillies which, when I was in primary school, were introduced to us by a modern descendent of the Aboriginal tribe that had once inhabited the area who told us lots of things about native flora and fauna but all I took from it was that in a pinch you could eat the lillipillies (at least I think that's what he said.)
One thing I love about the area, and that of Prahran also, are the gardens that either belong to or belonged to old wogs (my family included) planted out with fruit trees and seasonal vegetables. Especially the cumquats. I've always wanted a cumquat tree. But of course have never had a property on which to plant one! But I've never had the balls enough to pinch anything or even to ask for anything. Unless it's a neighbour's zucchinis which they leave unasked for anyway on your doorstep in the hope you'll take it and use it.
The first half of my Sunday couldn't have gone any better with Z playing in the sandpit until it was time to dig into a delicious, decadent chocolate brownie. Oh my goodness! And at $4 are you kidding me? So good.
It was only when I went to pay my bill and leave that shit hit the fan. Z wouldn't get in her stroller, wanted a cookie, and in attempting to reach for one lost her balance and smacked her forehead on a support beam. Thankfully she's a tough little thing. Sure she hollered because it would have hurt (this is a kid who falls off play equipment, picks herself up, and keeps on moving without a care in the world.) I took our change and made a beeline for the exit. Just because a place is kid friendly doesn't mean people want their All Day Breakfast being interrupted with piercing screams.
On the walk home she complained about her "ouch" and as soon as we got home I applied some "cream" and wrestled her into bed for her nap.
Now for the mid-afternoon question? More coffee, TV and laundry, or a relaxing bath, Mad Men and a "mothers little helper" (in my case right now an antihistamine.)