It's very cool these days to be all retro, bake and be a SAHM. As much as I adore my little one, the banality of it would do my head in. Our activities together are dedicated to what i'm best at: watching TV with her and reading a ridiculous number of books before bed. During the day I wouldn't have a frigging clue how to entertain her.

When she first started daycare she loved it. Then after she mastered the waddler room she haaated it. She'd cry, thrown herself on the floor in the hallway much to the annoyance of our childless neighbours, and scream. The only way we could get her in the car was the promise of chocolate that never actually eventuated.
Then she got promoted to the toddler group. Thank Christ. Being with older kids started to challenge her a bit more. Maybe because she's my only kid and I have no reference point when it comes to children I just assume she's capable of things a 7 year old would be and push her without realising, uh duh, she's not even 2 yet.

Prior to turning 2 she started to get cranky with daycare again and thankfully she was promoted to the pre-kinder group (the group of kids who can take direction well, apparently.)
In the past month she has truly blossomed. She know all her colors now, she can count to 10, she's starting to learn the ABC song, she sings Baa Baa Black Sheep and Row Row Row Your Boat and she even knows a lot of the key words to Madeline which I faithfully read to her every night we're together and know off by heart now myself. Her favourite pastime when she comes home from daycare is to "bake cakes" which entails putting different colored cups into cupcake trays and spooning bubbles from her bubble bath into different containers.

Every day via their iPad app the daycare sends a detailed updates about their day in real time as well as photos. Now, as an avid crocheter and knitter imagine my glee when this turned up in the feed:

My dreams of finally using child labour to finish projects may occur sooner that I anticipated!!
Seriously though. Kudos to all the SAHM's out there. This kid needs 4 professional childcare workers and a lot of space to wrangle her. I'm not arrogant enough to admit when I know i'm out of my depth.
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