Wednesday, April 17, 2013

After the wedding

It's Wednesday now but I feel I'm only just starting to recover from the weekend. On Friday afternoon A's sister got married to a charming surfer from up North and we celebrated with cocktail style canapes and lots of booze.

A was sensible. Just prior to the reception ending he took a cab home and went straight to bed. I on the other hand took a cab to Siglo (it was either Siglo or Men's Gallery and though I'm sure naked ladies would have gone down rather well at that hour we choose the establishment with the better drinks list) to keep drinking with his sister, BIL and cousins.

And that's where I discovered the Amaretto Sour. Come to mama! After throwing back 4 more, and after a long day of drinking champagne, we decided it was best to call it a night.

Even though A's mother made up a bed for me in the study and carefully laid out pyjamas I ended up passing out in my party dress. As did the bride we later found out, but that was from 5 hours of non stop dancing. She earnt her rest. I was just drunk.

I don't really suffer from hangovers but I felt rather seedy the next day. When the market opened I went down and gathered the ingredients for green smoothies (coconut water, kale, green apple, spinach & banana) and a nice salad along with lots of fresh fruit to subsist on for the next few days.

Also when I'm lazy and can't be bothered making anything I go and get a tub of Detox Soup from Organica.

So now that I'm feeling somewhat myself again me and A decided to go out for breakfast. Or rather, I decided to join him for his daily bircher at Oscar Cooper. Which was nice since we barely got to see each other the whole weekend what with me wrangling the little one and him attending various sporting activities. Now with the weather getting colder I indulged in a goat's cheese, roasted beetroot and asparagus omelette that felt like a warm hug from the inside. And it's healthy too!

Here's my going to brunch outfit today. Clearly i'm still trying to cling onto my summer wardrobe with the blue pastel jeans. This is also a reminder I need to buy a pair of ankle boots. Those Volleys were only supposed to be for playing tennis in but damn they're so comfortable I run around everywhere in them now. So stylish, not.

1 comment:

  1. I love love your blog. wish I knew how to follow this one :)
