Monday, April 22, 2013

Ship Shape

I'm not what you would call a homemaker. I love cleanliness, I love a tidy home, I despise mess and I love everything to be organised and neat but I seem to have this inability to do all these things for myself despite recording Martha Stewart and watching it daily when I was pregnant with Z and reading Shannon Lush's books cover to cover. Actually, when I was pregnant with Z I think I got to week 38 before my mother expressed grave concern wondering when my nesting instict was going to kick in. Uhh ...

I'm just going to put it out there and admit I'm messy. So is A. The problem is that we both grew up in households where our mums did the lions share of the housework and they did it so well that anything less than perfection was not acceptable. They tried to train us, tried to make us more accountable, but in the end our chores got done for us, our bedrooms cleaned out tidied and made nice, our clothes laundered and folded, and we never had to lift a finger.

Then we moved out of our respective homes and into our apartment and quickly discovered a person's abode does not keep itself magically clean. You actually have to clean it regularly and tidy it every single damn day.

We've experimented with a variety of cleaners and housekeepers (none up to the standard of our mothers so in the end not worth the money), we've even had our mums offer to come and clean for us but it always makes us feel guilty. Although the last time I was ill A's mum came over, took one look at the clothes pile badly hidden away in the corner of the bedroom, berated A for not helping out, and promptly folded every last item before leaving. Little did she know our pile always looks like that ...

Sadly, as the female of the duo and the least inept at housework although A is starting to find laundry to be his forte, it's come down to me to start running a tighter ship. I can't live in mess. I don't want to live in anything less than showroom tidy (even if it only stays this way during daycare hours - if you know what I mean) so perusing Pinterest I found this and I think it breaks things down to become entirely doable.

I know, I know, it's hardly revolutionary but it's a start. A is constantly bleeting at me like a football coach about how we need structures in place well, here's my contribution.

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